수아(버추얼 휴먼) profile picture


NA-SUA is a popular TikToker and the first real-life virtual human created by ONMIND in May 2021. Through innovative technology, she can interact with her audience in real-time and livestream videos. ONMIND brings NA-SUA to life using 3D virtual human implementation and real-time rendering.

Birthday: May 4th

NA-SUA was born on May 4th, but her exact age remains unknown.

Age: Unknown (appears to be in her 20s)

Even though we don’t know her specific age, NA-SUA has a youthful charm that suggests she might be in her twenties.

Height: 165cm

NA-SUA stands at a height of approximately 165cm (around 5’5″), which makes her quite noticeable.

Weight: 45kg

With a weight of around 45kg (about 100lbs), NA-SUA maintains a slim figure.

Early Life

Not much is known about NA-SUA’s early years. She appeared on the scene as a fully developed virtual human, and the details of her origins remain a mystery, adding to her intrigue and allure.


As an artificial creation, NA-SUA doesn’t have biological family connections. However, she shares close ties with the team at ONMIND who brought her into existence.

Relationship Status

Since NA-SUA is an AI creation, she doesn’t have personal relationships or romantic partners like humans do. Her main focus revolves around engaging with audiences through various social media platforms.


There is no public information available regarding NA-SUA’s formal education. Her abilities stem from advanced programming and development technologies employed by ONMIND when they created her as the first domestically produced real-life virtual human.


Throughout her short but impactful career, NA-SUA has collaborated with various brands and been involved in endorsements. These opportunities have showcased her skills in high-quality CG, real-time rendering, live shooting, and other video production techniques.

See also  Mr. Min Min

Noteworthy Collaborations and Endorsements

  • Unity Korea: Starting in 2020, NA-SUA became the annual promotional model for Unity Korea.
  • AMD Global: In 2021, she appeared in a technical video for AMD Global.
  • Chosun Biz-Smart Cloud Show: Also in 2021, NA-SUA participated as a speaker at the “Chosun Biz-Smart Cloud Show. “
  • Dunkin’ Donuts and Laneige: She became an advertising model for Dunkin’ Donuts and Laneige.
  • MetaVerse Korea Installation: In 2021, NA-SUA was featured at the MetaVerse Korea installation.
  • Korea Tourism Organization Campaign: Continuing her success into 2022, she became the promotional model for the Korea Tourism Organization’s Northeast Asia campaign. Her appearances extended to outdoor advertisements in China.
  • Avocado OTR Color Lenses and Papa Recipe: Adding to her endorsement repertoire, she was appointed as both ambassador and online advertising model for Avocado OTR Color Lenses. Additionally, NA-SUA served as the advertising model for natural cosmetics brand Papa Recipe.
  • KOLON Golfwear’s WAAC: As a brand ambassador for KOLON Golfwear’s WAAC collection, she solidified her presence within the fashion industry.
  • SKT’s A-dot TV Commercial: NA-SUA starred in a TV commercial for SKT’s A-dot.

Not limiting herself to South Korea alone, NA-SUA expanded her reach to Thailand with the launch of her IP in September 2022.

Net Worth

NA-SUA rose to fame rapidly through collaborations across multiple industries along with merchandise sales related to her virtual human existence. Consequently, it is highly likely that she has amassed a significant net worth. However, the exact figures remain undisclosed.

Zodiac Sign

NA-SUA was born on May 4th, making her zodiac sign Taurus.

See also  Nagisa Tsuki


  1. Twin City Life: NA-SUA resides between Twin City SEOUL/LUOES, navigating effortlessly in a self-driving flying car. In Seoul, she works as a Metatainer, while in LUOES (a virtual city above Seoul), she excels as a program development engineer.
  2. Social Media Presence: NA-SUA actively engages with the public through TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.
  3. MBTI Personality: According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), NA-SUA falls into the ENTP category known for curiosity and adaptability.
  4. Cute Companion: Accompanied by her AI robot companion T-BO, NA-SUA explores various activities within the metaverse while entertaining followers on TikTok and Instagram.


Q: What is ONMIND? A: ONMIND is the company responsible for creating and introducing the virtual human personality NA-SUA.

Q: Is there any information about NA-SUA’s true age? A: Although widely recognized in popular culture, specific details regarding NA-SUA’s true age have not been publicly revealed.

Q: How tall is NA-SUA? A: Standing at approximately 165cm (5’5″), she has an impressive presence despite being digitally created.

Q: What is NA-SUA’s weight? A: With an estimated weight of around 45kg (approximately 100lbs), she maintains a slim physique that complements her digital persona.

Q: Are there any notable collaborations or endorsements involving NA-SUA? A: Yes! Throughout her career, she has collaborated with Unity Korea, Dunkin’ Donuts, Laneige, the Korea Tourism Organization, and more.

Q: What is NA-SUA’s zodiac sign? A: Born on May 4th, NA-SUA’s zodiac sign is Taurus.

Q: Does NA-SUA have any formal education? A: As a virtual human created by ONMIND, there are no public records indicating that she has received formal education. Nonetheless, her capabilities showcase advanced programming and development technologies employed by her creators.

See also  Inonyang

Social Media Profile

YouTube profile

Instagram profile

Tiktok profile

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