김소희(댄서) profile picture

Sohee Kim (dancer)

Sohee Kim is a talented dancer from Korea who was born on June 13, 2003. Even at the young age of 20, she has already become well-known in the dance world and gained lots of followers through her captivating performances on TikTok.

Name 김소희
Birthday June 13, 2003 (20 years old)
Education N/A
Platform Status Followers: 377K (as of September 14, 2023)
Updated As of September 14, 2023

Birthday and Age

Sohee Kim was born on June 13, 2003, which means she is currently in her early twenties at just 20 years old. You can see her youthful energy when she dances.

Height and Weight

We don’t have exact information about Sohee’s height and weight, but what we do know is that she moves gracefully and with great agility. Her dancing skills are what truly shine through.

Early Life of Sohee Kim

From a young age, Sohee discovered her passion for dancing. She found joy in expressing herself through movement and spent a lot of time practicing to improve her skills. Dance quickly became an important part of her life.


There isn’t much information available about Sohee’s family at the moment. However, it is clear that they have been supportive in nurturing her talent and helping her achieve success.

Relationship Status

As of now, there is no public information about Sohee’s relationship status. She likes to keep her personal life private while focusing on pursuing her dreams as a dancer.


While we don’t know specific details about Sohee’s education, it’s evident that she has dedicated herself to becoming a master dancer. Through hard work and relentless practice, she has gained enough skill to capture the attention of audiences all around the world.

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Career Journey

Sohee Kim first caught people’s attention within the K-pop scene when she joined the renowned dance group called 4×4 STUDIO 포텐 (4TEN). Her exceptional talent stood out among other skilled performers. However, it was on TikTok where she truly became a star.

On TikTok, Sohee’s dance videos stood out because of their creativity and technical skill. Her ability to synchronize her movements with popular music made her videos highly engaging. This led to a surge in followers, reaching an impressive count of around 377, 000 as of September 14, 2023.

Net Worth

There isn’t specific information available about Sohee Kim’s net worth at this time. But considering her growing popularity, it’s safe to say that she has encountered numerous opportunities in her career as a dancer. Through collaborations and sponsorships, she continues to build her success.

Zodiac Sign

Born on June 13th, Sohee falls under the zodiac sign of Gemini. Geminis are often known for their youthful energy, versatility, and ability to adapt quickly.

Interesting Facts about Sohee Kim

Now let’s explore some fascinating facts about Sohee Kim:

  1. Nickname: “Sohylin”: On TikTok, fans all over the world know her by the nickname “Sohylin. “
  2. Her Cute Maltese Dog: Alongside being an amazing dancer, Sohee also loves pets. She has an adorable Maltese dog named “Kim Karu. “
  3. Spreading Joy through Dance: With each performance she shares online, Sohee aims to bring happiness and positive vibes into people’s lives.
  4. Active on Social Media: Besides showcasing her dancing skills on TikTok, she also engages with fans through other social media platforms like Instagram.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How did Sohee become famous? A: Sohee gained fame through captivating performances on TikTok where she showcased exceptional dance skills.

Q: What group was she part of before gaining popularity on TikTok? A: Before her rise on TikTok, Sohee was part of a dance group called 4×4 STUDIO 포텐 (4TEN).

Q: How many followers does Sohee have on TikTok? A: As of September 14, 2023, Sohee has around 377, 000 followers on TikTok.

Q: What is Sohee’s nickname on TikTok? A: On TikTok, people know her by the nickname “Sohylin. “

Q: Does Sohee Kim have any pets? A: Yes, Sohee owns a Maltese dog named “Kim Karu” who brings joy to her life off-screen.

Social Media Profile

Instagram profile

Tiktok profile

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