서현둥 profile picture

Seo Hyeon-dong

Seo Hyeon-dong, also known as 서현둥, is a talented TikTok creator from South Korea. She was born on October 4, 2001, which makes her 22 years old.

Birthday and Age

Seo Hyeon-dong’s birthday is on October 4, 2001. Currently, she is 22 years old.

Height and Weight

We don’t have information about Seo Hyeon-dong’s height and weight at this time.

Early Life

There isn’t much information available about Seo Hyeon-dong’s early life. She started creating content on TikTok and sharing her creative talents with the world.


We don’t know much about Seo Hyeon-dong’s family, but it’s likely that they support her in her rise to fame.

Relationship Status

As of now, we don’t have any public records or disclosures about Seo Hyeon-dong’s relationship status. She keeps her personal life private while focusing on her career as a TikTok influencer.


The specific details of Seo Hyeon-dong’s education haven’t been made publicly available. However, considering her age and achievements so far, it can be assumed that she has received formal education.


Seo Hyeon-dong gained attention for her captivating content on TikTok. She is affiliated with the South Korean entertainment company 순이엔티 (SoonieNT) and creates engaging videos that quickly gained popularity among users around the world.

Being part of an extensive group of influencers has given Seo Hyeon-dong opportunities to collaborate with other creators like CINDY, 지원패밀리, 미소아라, 신사마, 신사장, 리나대장님, 유링딩, 민사범님, 최사범님, 주한띠, 댄서소나, 진사범님, 제이드 and many others. These collaborations have helped her showcase her talent to a wider audience.

See also  NAOKINN

Net Worth

We don’t have details about Seo Hyeon-dong’s net worth at the moment. However, being a successful TikTok creator affiliated with 순이엔티 (SoonieNT), she likely earns a substantial income through brand partnerships and sponsored content.

Zodiac Sign

Based on her birthdate of October 4th, Seo Hyeon-dong’s zodiac sign is Libra.


  1. What kind of content does Seo Hyeon-dong create on TikTok? Seo Hyeon-dong creates captivating videos on TikTok as part of the South Korean entertainment company 순이엔티 (SoonieNT). Her videos include entertaining dance routines and creative skits that resonate with her followers.
  2. Does Seo Hyeon-dong have a significant following on social media? As a rising star in the world of TikTok, Seo Hyeon-dong has a considerable following. However exact numbers are not provided at this time.
  3. What is Seo Hyeon-dong’s secret to success? Seo Hyeon-dong’s success can be attributed to her creative talent, dedication, and ability to connect with her audience. By consistently producing high-quality content, she has captured the attention of viewers worldwide.
  4. Is Seo Hyeon-dong active on other social media platforms? While not explicitly stated, many TikTok creators expand their presence onto other social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. It wouldn’t be surprising if Seo Hyeon-dong has a presence beyond TikTok.
  5. Is there any information available about Seo Hyeon-dong’s hobbies or interests outside of her TikTok career? Unfortunately, details about Seo Hyeon-dong’s hobbies and interests are not publicly documented at this time.

Social Media Profile

Instagram profile

Tiktok profile

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