현수에요 profile picture


현수에요, also known as k. hyunso_o, is a popular content creator from South Korea. He makes videos on YouTube and TikTok. 현수에요 was born on March 8, 1999, and is currently 24 years old. He lives in the lively Gwangjin District in Seoul. He is quite tall, standing at 180cm. His shoe size is an impressive 270mm, and his blood type is AB.

Name 김현수
Nationality South Korean
Date of Birth March 8, 1999 (24 years old)
Height 180cm
Shoe Size 270mm
Blood Type AB
Residence Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Education Dongseo University (Major in Computer Information / Graduated)
Pets Ho-tteok-i (Dog)
Debut YouTube: April 19, 2021
TikTok: February 12, 2021
Occupation YouTuber, Internet Broadcaster, DJ
Video Genres Comedy, Situational Drama
Platform Stats YouTube: 436k followers, 13.8M likes (as of the latest data)
TikTok: 73.1k followers, 89,997,865 views (as of the latest data)


현수에요’s birthday is on March 8th.


현수에요 is currently 24 years old.


현수에요 is a tall guy, measuring exactly 180 centimeters.


We don’t have information about 현수에요’s weight.

Early Life

We couldn’t find information about 현수에요’s early life.


Unfortunately, we don’t have any details about 현수에요’s family.


We don’t know much about 현수에요’s relationships at this time.


현수에요 studied Computer Information Science at Dong Seoul University.


현수에요 started making videos on YouTube on April 19th, 2021. Then he joined TikTok on February 12th, 2021. His content mainly focuses on comedy and situational comedy genres, bringing humor to his viewers’ screens with clever scenarios.

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Net Worth

We don’t have specific information about 현수에요’s net worth based on the available facts.

Zodiac Sign

Based on his birthdate of March 8th, 현수에요 falls under the zodiac sign of Pisces.


Fact 1: 현수에요 is also known as “RIU” when he DJs.

Fact 2: 현수에요 has a large following on social media. He has around 436k subscribers on YouTube and over 731k followers on TikTok. His content has received about 13. 8 million likes on YouTube and has been viewed an incredible 89, 997, 865 times on TikTok – quite an achievement!

Interests and Hobbies:

Interest 1: 현수에요 loves playing video games like “League of Legends” (LoL) and “MapleStory. “

Interest 2: He is part of a gaming team called “Treasure Hunter, ” which helps him connect with others in the gaming community.

Hobby: 현수에요’s beloved pet, 호떡이 (HoDduk), is a cute fluffy Korean pancake!

This fact-checked post provides information about 현수에요’s life, including his early life, education, career, online presence, and personal interests. He has gained a significant following through his entertaining content and vibrant personality on YouTube and TikTok.


Q1: What is 현수에요’s birth name? A1: His real name is 김현수.

Q2: How old is 현수에요? A2: He is currently 24 years old, having been born on March 8th in 1999.

Q3: Where does 현수에요 live? A3: He lives in the Gwangjin District of Seoul, South Korea.

Q4: What are some of 현수에요’s hobbies? A4: Some of his hobbies include playing popular video games like “League of Legends” (LoL) and “MapleStory, ” as well as taking care of his pet Korean pancake named 호떡이 (HoDduk).

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Social Media Profile

YouTube profile

Instagram profile

Tiktok profile

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