JellyBean profile picture


JellyBean is a famous Minecraft YouTuber and PNGtuber from the United States. They have lots of fans, with around 4. 48 million subscribers and over 878 million views as of October 9, 2020.

Channel Name JellyBean
Country of Residence United States
Date of Channel Creation October 9, 2020
Number of Subscribers Approximately 4.48 million (as of latest data)
Total Views 878,034,863 (as of latest data)

Birthday and Age

We don’t know when JellyBean’s birthday is exactly, but they’re believed to be in their early twenties.

Height and Weight

Since JellyBean likes to keep their personal information private, we don’t know their exact height or weight.

Early Life

We don’t have much information about JellyBean’s early life. They prefer to keep it secret and focus on creating videos for their followers.


JellyBean hasn’t shared anything publicly about their family background to protect privacy.

Relationship Status

As of now, there isn’t any public information available about JellyBean’s relationship status.


Jellybean hasn’t told us about their education, as it’s personal to them.


JellyBean became really popular by making videos of themselves playing Minecraft on YouTube. Their videos show a picture of a character in the middle while JellyBean comments using their own voice. Some people have said that the content gets repetitive after a while and isn’t very interesting. These negative comments have led to some memes being made that make fun of JellyBean’s style.

It’s important to mention that other YouTubers like Meowbah have also received criticism for including offensive statements related to disabilities, racism, and homophobia in their videos.

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But despite these criticisms and negative reactions from people who oppose certain content creators (called “antis”), JellyBean still has a big group of fans. The fans often make memes and use phrases from Jellybean’s videos. One phrase that has become famous is “it’s not a mistake, it’s a ✨ masterpiece ✨”. Another phrase that’s used to make fun of JellyBean in memes is “Reading my awful hate comments. “

There’s another popular meme called “Skeletons Roasting Jellybean. ” It started from a video where JellyBean presents arguments and gets countered by skeletons. This meme is not only about making fun of JellyBean, but it can also be used for other YouTubers like them. Funny enough, JellyBean themselves have accepted and embraced this meme. The scene with the skeletons comes from a manga series called “Berserk. ” The meme is widely known and shared along with the phrase “Skeletons Roasting Jellybean. “

Net Worth

We don’t have any official information about how much money JellyBean has.

Zodiac Sign

Because we don’t know when JellyBean was born, their zodiac sign remains unknown.


Here are some cool facts about JellyBean:

  1. Privacy Concerns: To protect their identity and personal information, JellyBean wears sunglasses and masks in their videos.
  2. Repurposed Content: Many of JellyBean’s videos feature content created by other people, like parkour footage from different creators.
  3. Appearance in Music Video: Saster’s music video includes a cameo by JellyBean and uses the Skeletons Roasting Jellybean meme.


Q: How many subscribers does JellyBean have on YouTube? A: As of October 9, 2020, jellybean has around 4. 48 million subscribers.

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Q: What type of videos does jellybean make? A: They mostly focus on Minecraft gameplay with a picture of a character in the middle.

Q: Where is jellybean from? A: They are from the United States.

Q: Do people criticize jellybean for their videos? A: Yes, some people feel that their videos become repetitive and aren’t interesting.

Q: What’s a meme associated with jellybean? A: The “Skeletons Roasting Jellybean” meme comes from a video where jellybeans makes arguments and skeletons counter them.

Social Media Profile

YouTube profile

Instagram profile

Tiktok profile

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