MaWang profile picture


MaWang is a popular virtual YouTuber and Twitch streamer from South Korea. She makes funny videos and sketches on VRChat that people find entertaining.

Birthday & Age

MaWang’s birthday is [date], and she is [age] years old.

Height & Weight

We don’t know how tall or how heavy MaWang is at the moment.

Early Life

MaWang was born and raised in South Korea. She started making content in July 2020 with a Pac-Man Ghost Dance Challenge video that became really popular. This was the beginning of her journey as an influencer.


Details about MaWang’s family are scarce, but she values their support and keeps her personal life private.

Relationship Status

At this time, we don’t have any information about MaWang’s romantic involvement or significant other.


We don’t know much about MaWang’s education yet.


MaWang shares videos on YouTube and Twitch to interact with her audience. She began broadcasting on Twitch officially in July 2021 and became a Twitch partner in April 2022. When she streams, she uses speech synthesis programs to talk to fans while using different avatars to hide her voice and gender.

Her channels feature fun VR content and meme videos that people enjoy watching on YouTube and Twitch.

Net Worth

Since MaWang doesn’t share her net worth publicly, it’s hard to say exactly how much money she has. But because of her popularity and growing fanbase, it’s likely that she earns a good income through brand collaborations and advertisements.

Zodiac Sign

We don’t know MaWang’s zodiac sign yet.

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Gained Popularity Through VRChat-Related Content

One thing that made MaWang popular was creating content centered around VRChat. This approach helped her reach a bigger audience interested in virtual reality experiences.

Uses Different Avatars and Voices

Unlike many other virtual YouTubers, MaWang changes both her avatars and voices during her streams. This adds variety and keeps viewers entertained while showing off her creative skills.

Collaborates With Other Streamers

MaWang actively works with other streamers in the VRChat community. When they collaborate, it makes their content more exciting for viewers who enjoy watching different streamers together.

Fans Known as “마조쿠” (Majoku)

MaWang’s fans are called “마조쿠” (Majoku), and they support her by sharing her content on social media.

Uses Multiple Avatars During Twitch Broadcasts

During Twitch broadcasts, MaWang uses different avatars like Haka, Mijung, Akuma, Cocoa, and Yejeong to make the streams more enjoyable for fans.

Personal Preferences and Trivia

MaWang has a unique sense of humor. She identifies as an “Attack Helicopter” when it comes to gender identification. She also has preferences for hair color, favorite colors, and foods that reflect her personal style. Apart from being online, MaWang lives a relatable life with a pet dog named Chelsea. She admires the virtual idol Gosegu and holds a driver’s license. She even scored an impressive 105 on an IQ test.

Insomnia and Professional Engagements

Although MaWang is active in streaming, she sometimes struggles with insomnia. To ensure well-rested streams for viewers, she occasionally takes sleep medication. Furthermore she signed a contract with Parable Entertainment to continue creating influential content.

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Utilizes VR Devices

To create amazing content experiences, MaWang uses high-tech VR devices like Oculus Quest Pro and VIVE Pro Eye.


Q: How did MaWang become popular? A: MaWang gained popularity by creating content about VRChat on YouTube. Her funny videos helped her become well-known to viewers.

Q: What does “마조쿠” (Majoku) mean? A: “마조쿠” (Majoku) is the nickname given to MaWang’s fans. It shows how they support her creative journey.

Q: Does MaWang collaborate with other streamers? A: Yes! Collaboration is important to MaWang’s streaming career. She loves working with other streamers to make exciting content for everyone.

Q: How does MaWang communicate with viewers during streams? A: MaWang uses speech synthesis programs to talk to viewers effectively. She also uses different avatars and disguises her voice to make things more interesting.

Q: What are some interesting trivia about MaWang’s personal life? A: Some interesting facts include MaWang identifying as an “Attack Helicopter” when it comes to gender, her preferences for hair colors and favorite foods, holding a driver’s license, and scoring 105 on an IQ test.

Social Media Profile

YouTube profile

Tiktok profile

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